Thursday, July 18, 2013

Calibration - For the data of July 17th

       Yesterday I got all of my fancy equipment and began to play around with it a bit.  I had a lot of trouble calibrating it (that's all worked out now though), but I got to learn how to use the SpectraSuite software well while doing it.  In total I bagged a spectrometry (Ocean Optics USB650), a fiber optics cable, some radiance and irradiance attachments, as well as a calibration lamp and a new laptop to serve as my mobile base of operations.  It's all very exciting.
       I find all this optical equipment pretty cool.  Looking through a fiber optic and seeing the color of your source on the other end is foreign to me but interesting.  All the software runs smoothly (mostly - one or two minor crashes) and all the equipment works.  It is a pain lugging around the fiber optic case though - it's a bit large.  I'll need to think of some way to transport all my equipment efficiently and safely.  But in general it feels a lot more compact than I expected.

1 comment:

  1. I got all of my fancy equipment and began to play around with it a bit. I had a lot of trouble calibrating it (that's all worked out now though), but I got to learn how to use the SpectraSuite software well while doing it. NDT calibration
